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Joker 11-23-2006 03:00 AM

Re: What do you think of.....
[QUOTE=Kev900RR]stfu nutswinger. you look like sasquatch trying to stunt that pretty little f4i. btw, Has someone called the national enquirer? bigfoot has officially been spotted in wisconsin doing shitty whillys.:nono

You guys have a great thanksgiving:cheers[/QUOTE]

Wow, you really got me there. The two days it took you too come up with that was really worth it, you are a true wordsmith and I feel really shitty that you dug into me that hard. Why oh why did I ever step up to such a witty guy. I should of known back in the day when you did wheelies with a jester hat on that you were way to cool for me or anyone for that matter. I'm sorry Kev for saying anything, you are the original badass...

Joker 11-23-2006 03:03 AM

Re: What do you think of.....
[QUOTE=Kev900RR]stfu nutswinger. you look like sasquatch trying to stunt that pretty little f4i. btw, Has someone called the national enquirer? bigfoot has officially been spotted in wisconsin doing shitty whillys.:nono

You guys have a great thanksgiving:cheers[/QUOTE]

And by the way, its not being a nutswinger, its having a friend, and if anyone liked you, you would know what thats like.

Kev900RR 11-23-2006 12:51 PM

Re: What do you think of.....
[QUOTE=Jokertlr]And by the way, its not being a nutswinger, its having a friend, and if anyone liked you, you would know what thats like.[/QUOTE]I have enough friends, But thanks for sharing that heartfelt moment with us, I'm so glad you have a friend. Everyone should have a friends nuts to swing on. :cheers

Miltown 11-23-2006 05:25 PM

Re: What do you think of.....
are ya done yet?:bs :bs

Brian V 11-23-2006 05:33 PM

Re: What do you think of.....
Wow.... This is GHEY!

parker346 11-30-2006 04:52 PM

Re: What do you think of.....
i finally paid my cable bill just so i could come on here and see all the madness
:YEAH :YEAH :YEAH :LOL by the way just to clear some things up i ride with freestyle, because thats where the heart is at. and to 346... you are all still my boys but I couldn't do it all by myself so I wish you the best going forward, branden I heard you got a bike back... i hope to see you out this summer a lot and i know you could have mad skills, you just need to get out there. its just that I already sank with the ship twice and im tired of drowning. peace out!

matdawg99 12-15-2006 09:02 PM

Re: What do you think of.....
[QUOTE=Kev900RR]ok milhole weenie boy. We need some cool chit on this forum since you and your followers have taken it over posting every stupid ebay listing, and every single stupid daily life event that goes on in your pathetic little worlds.. ie--- "Jesse came over and helped me take a shit today" ------- "I popped a wheelie today and I almost hit balance point." and "I'm back" When I don't think anybody missed you:cheers[/QUOTE]

now thats some funny stuff!!!

jim mertins 12-16-2006 07:16 PM

Re: What do you think of.....
why do you alwys just pop up out of the wood work then pop back in give someone a call... you back, or are you still gone?????????????
answer that matt

matdawg99 12-16-2006 09:06 PM

Re: What do you think of.....
yeah i dont get online to much, i should be back for good in about 1 1/2 months for good. then i can get my sqid stunt on!!!

Zodiac 12-28-2006 07:27 AM

Re: What do you think of.....
[QUOTE=Ryan S;2431796]346---you guys are all wrapped up in drama and you never made it past first base in the stunting game....


I have to add my two cents, and I'm going to try to without sounding like I'm making excuses, because that's just pointless.

But that statement from Ryan is true.

Some people were more involved in the drama than the physical aspect of it. I can't speak for everyone, so I'll just assume some people were more interested in the drama.

Right now 346 is pretty much dead, unless something miraculous happens, and I doubt it will.

Everyone is getting older and focusing on different things in their lives right now. Getting into houses, starting families, that sort of thing. Not to say that you can't stunt and start a family, but it's more difficult, and you do have to prioritize.

As for myself, I can only speak for me, I am unable to put in the time on the website or the shows or anything else that I used to because most of my free time is taken up with my home, or trying to advance my "career" (I use that term loosely).

Did 346 go horribly wrong? Fuck yeah it did.

Would I change it if I could? Nope.

What's the fucking point? We did what we did, we're going to have to live with the changes. A lot of people seem caught up that 346 is over. I think those people just need to get over it. 346 was fun, but it wasn't everything.

And just last night I told Dilbert over the phone to take the website down. It's down right now, because I'm getting sick of paying for something even I never use. So we're going to put it back up for one more month, then it'll be done.

So to everyone out there, good luck. Keep doing whatever it is you want to do, if it's stunting, or anything else.

Most importantly, stay safe. Nothing ruins a good day like a bad injury. :D

Zodiac 12-28-2006 07:37 AM

Re: What do you think of.....
[QUOTE=dilbert_346;2435110]you know what Kev900Rr you are right so i hope some of the guys see this and make up there mind on what they want ot do with the group.[/QUOTE]

I think a lot of the guy's minds were already made up, a long time ago.

Brian V 12-28-2006 10:41 AM

Re: What do you think of.....
^^Nobody cares.........

Brian V 12-28-2006 10:42 AM

Re: What do you think of.....
Yeah, im a asshole.

Miltown 12-28-2006 12:48 PM

Re: What do you think of.....

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