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Suicidl 09-29-2005 03:27 PM

Re: Classifieds
[QUOTE=TILLER]what your saying is u cant find a free site to view classifieds anymore.. and being u dont pay anything to stuntlife to surf or post pics or see vids .. we suck :mad:[/QUOTE] is still free

and that is what everyone is telling you

It Sucks

TILLER 09-29-2005 03:54 PM

Re: Classifieds
[QUOTE=suicidl] is still free

and that is what everyone is telling you

It Sucks[/QUOTE]
so why doesnt everyone just use cycletrader ?

no matter what happens no one is ever gonna be happy

Erik 09-29-2005 05:17 PM

Re: Classifieds
[QUOTE=TILLER] what if the classifieds came back and u had to paypal a mod everytime u wanted a post activated .. would that be any differenet ?[/QUOTE]

I'd say you and I would be doing pretty good :laughing

Zxer 09-29-2005 05:47 PM

Re: Classifieds
[QUOTE=TILLER]Stuntlife and Stunttrader are owned by the same person. The old classifieds are not coming back up. The layout is gonna take some time to get used too.. but change is everywhere folks[/QUOTE]

First of all Tiller don't take this as me being pissed off at you, I just have my opinion of stuntrader and I'm sticking by it. I didn't realize stuntlife is "owned" by a single person and as far as stuntlife/stunttrader being one, I know that. As far as the old classifieds not coming back up that's fine, but no need to "get use to the layout" I won't be visiting stunttrader and obviously neither will most others. Maybe someone sould start up a new classified forum or at least get the word out on a new location like cycletrader or another where everyone will be posting from now on?

nags 09-29-2005 06:52 PM

Re: Classifieds
It's straight up gay. I'm on MUCH larger forums than this that dont charge to use the classifieds sections.. why little ol' stuntlife

This used to be the first place I looked for parts.. now I skip right over it and check the other forums i'm on

TILLER 09-29-2005 07:02 PM

Re: Classifieds
[QUOTE=Zxer]First of all Tiller don't take this as me being pissed off at you, I just have my opinion of stuntrader and I'm sticking by it. I didn't realize stuntlife is "owned" by a single person and as far as stuntlife/stunttrader being one, I know that. As far as the old classifieds not coming back up that's fine, but no need to "get use to the layout" I won't be visiting stunttrader and obviously neither will most others. Maybe someone sould start up a new classified forum or at least get the word out on a new location like cycletrader or another where everyone will be posting from now on?[/QUOTE]
i understand bro .. what gets me is the people they are making money off the site (which i dont own or profit off) yet they ***** because they lost there venue of selling rashed parts to the only people who will buy them


thats all..

ps i dont like the layout either .. i go to ebay :hello

nags 09-29-2005 07:05 PM

Re: Classifieds
It's not that people are losing buisness because of it. I can sell rashed up parts better on ebay than I can on here. It was just nice to have a place where stunters could buy and sell to each other without the hassle of ebay

Zxer 09-29-2005 07:47 PM

Re: Classifieds
[QUOTE=TILLER]being the classifieds were free to post in and nothing about this site is free for the owner i believe he was trying to get a lil help to run this place

a server switch is in the future also .. what if the classifieds came back and u had to paypal a mod everytime u wanted a post activated .. would that be any differenet ?[/QUOTE]

I think there would be far less posts, therefor far less traffic, resulting in it falling apart, as it is now. Is the owner making anything now? of course, more than before, but I'm sure it isn't much and as far as I'm concerned he's doing a disservice to the stunt community and loosing sight of why you would start a website like this in the first place (not to make $$$). With the amount of traffic stuntlife gets money should be easy to make just though companies, etc... advertising here. I mean come on your not running a major business here, it's a dang website. At any rate I'm sure many people wouldn't want to pay, especially screwing around with paypal. I guess no matter what though, it would be hard to make it worse than it is now. :2cents

Erik 09-29-2005 08:27 PM

Re: Classifieds
[QUOTE=Zxer]he's doing a disservice to the stunt community and loosing sight of why you would start a website like this in the first place (not to make $$$). With the amount of traffic stuntlife gets money should be easy to make just though companies, etc... advertising here. I mean come on your not running a major business here, it's a dang website. [/QUOTE]

Here's my :2cents The disservice is from the members taking and not giving back. If everyone contributed, stunttrader probably would never have happened. It doesn't take much when you have the 30k+ membership if everyone would give in a little, especially the post-whores. And for those that have contributed at some point in your membership to SL, Thanks :cheers

Zxer 09-30-2005 12:48 AM

Re: Classifieds
[QUOTE=Erik]Here's my :2cents The disservice is from the members taking and not giving back. If everyone contributed, stunttrader probably would never have happened. It doesn't take much when you have the 30k+ membership if everyone would give in a little, especially the post-whores. And for those that have contributed at some point in your membership to SL, Thanks :cheers[/QUOTE]

Ok, but stunt trader's a bad idea that no one likes, so maybe someone should have ran some idea's by everyone and come up with something that would work and that most would be cool with, instead of just jumping into this. I would guess 95% of everyone using the old classifieds, don't like the new site and most probably won't even use it. I can say that I honestly gave stunt trader a shot, but it's unbearable even from a buyers stand point. Maybe we're just beating a dead horse here, but is it really to late? How about working on some alternatives here. Guess I've said all I can and whatever happens, happens.

JD 09-30-2005 12:14 PM

Re: Classifieds
[QUOTE=Zxer]Ok, but stunt trader's a bad idea that no one likes, so maybe someone should have ran some idea's by everyone and come up with something that would work and that most would be cool with, instead of just jumping into this. I would guess 95% of everyone using the old classifieds, don't like the new site and most probably won't even use it. I can say that I honestly gave stunt trader a shot, but it's unbearable even from a buyers stand point. Maybe we're just beating a dead horse here, but is it really to late? How about working on some alternatives here. Guess I've said all I can and whatever happens, happens.[/QUOTE]

I agree, and I have contributed to this site...if more contributions need to be made to bring back the old classifieds im sure we could all chip in a few bucks...if everyone hates the stunt classifieds there is no potential revenue there right???....

Everyone wants the old classifieds back (and i have only bought something twice in my 2 years of being on the site, but chkd it out all the time )
If money is the issue, then we could all chip in a lil bit, being such a large amt of members a few bucks from a lot of people = alot of money...

If its all about money, then its all about business, and in a business anything you can do for your "customers" or in this case, THOUSANDS of members is always beneficial....there has to be another option to this then to tell everyone "Sorry, deal with it..."

If a polll/thread would have been started BEFORE hand I would have donated some MORE $$$ to keep old classifieds, and Im sure there is quite a few people who feel the same way.... :2cents

MikeM 09-30-2005 12:38 PM

Re: Classifieds
First, I preface this by directing your attention to my contrbutor tag, which gives me the motive to speak up (in my head anyway).

Here are the main problems with stunttrader, in order of importance, i will be as constructive and detailed as possible.

1. The layout - Regular forums are easy to navigate, stunt trader is not. If it were made to look EXACTLY like a regular forum, most of the complaining would stop. If it were blue, most people wouldnt even know anything had changed. You know people hate change, especially when the current system is good.

2. Searching - Lets say Im looking for a part.. every time I go to the parts for sale section, I see the same shit. Thats because it sorts by most views instead of most recent the way it logically should. I'll be honest, I was pissed off and 'done' with that shit before somebody pointed out to me the drop down menu to change that.

3. Placing an ad - Overcomplicated. Shugga and Dan will read this and say, "whats so complicated, there're only 3 steps.." Well thats 2 more steps than there should be. There are 10 fields to fill out for db organizational purposes, thats 8 more fields than there should be. This is why there are only 137 ads, while the old classifieds would get that many per day.

4. Content - without it, there is no classifieds. To figure out why theres no content, reference 1, 2, and 3 of this post.

5. Charging - Notice this is at the bottom of the list, not the top. I would pay if it was good. If someone sells a bike on here and you hit them up for 5 or 10 bucks, thats ok... but what if the item for sale is only worth 5 or 10 bucks? The obvious answer would be to charge by percentage, no one would care too much about 1 or 2% I have no issues withthat as long as the % is low enough.
More on this -
When does the charge occur, when the ad is placed or when the item is sold?
Obviously when the ad is placed, otherwise no one would ever admit to making a sale.
Price negotiating - Do you charge by the asking price, or the actual selling price? They are often dramatically different.

Want-ads - Do you charge people for want ads also? Who would pay, the person in need of a part, or the person who answers the add and makes the sale? Thats one to think about, I dont have a good answer. No one will post want ads if its gonna cost them.

Items that dont sell - a pretty good amount of items placed for sale on sl dont sell. Do you still charge people if their stuff doesnt sell? If so, no ones gonna put shit up unless they know 100% that it will sell. This severly impacts problem #4


The bottom line is this is Shuggas website, and his business. If he makes 1 dollar off stunttrader, thats a dollar more than he made off the old classifieds. That sucks for the rest of us, but it is what it is.

TILLER 09-30-2005 12:40 PM

Re: Classifieds

The bottom line is this is Shuggas website, and his business. If he makes 1 dollar off stunttrader, thats a dollar more than he made off the old classifieds. That sucks for the rest of us, but it is what it is.[/QUOTE]
Best comment ever from u .. :cheers

MikeM 09-30-2005 12:42 PM

Re: Classifieds
[QUOTE=TILLER]Best comment ever from u .. :cheers[/QUOTE]
I know whats up. I dont like it, and I'll speak my mind about that but all I can do is buy and sell at the other sites

casual 10-11-2005 09:53 PM

Re: Classifieds

basically the fall of another old school back alley comfortable website i beleive u guys cal it going commercial and thats what has happened to stuntlife now ohh well can anyone lead the way to another site like this that is how this site use to be..

i dont blame them for going commercial pretty much every forum i been in the past 8 yrs sooner aor later when they got big they forgot what it was that made them big in the first place.


sclevela 10-12-2005 01:30 AM

Re: Classifieds
i used to contribute................. we all know where that got me............

[url][/url] ?

i digress

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