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fireside 05-04-2003 03:12 AM

Hey there,

I can do real good HIGH, dead stop stoppies but can only roll it a few feet..low....It feels like the front brake wants to grab when the back comes up going faster(Almost a disaster once). Do I have to slowly let off the brake as I come up...Am I at a disadvantage because my front brake rotor is much smaller than a sport bike? Any advice would be helpful!


R1on1 05-04-2003 03:53 AM

get the speed up to about 30 then slam on the brakes and as it comes ease off, you will eventually feel the balance point:hello

binder929rr 05-04-2003 04:45 AM

ya, on my 929 i come in about 60mph and give it a good smooth pull as i lift my butt and kinda "hop" so the rear comes up fast then once it gets up i can relieve some pressure from the brake so i roll.

it takes time, you'll get the feel of it. I'm just now getting to the stoppie balance point and it feels like hte front end is going to tuck under every time i do it but when you look at it on camera i still have about 6" more to go :)

KxKING 05-05-2003 07:58 AM

so ya gotta get ya bum of the seat to get the back wheel up?

PavementEater 05-05-2003 02:45 PM

No, what he was saying, is that he gives his seat a bounce first. So the bikes rear end dips down. Then when the rear of the bike bounces back up, he then hits the front brake, so the momentum gives it a little lift. Its a really easy way to get the rear end up. You can bounce it and doa rolling endo at like 10 mph if you wanted with this trick.

You'll get used to it. Its all timing, and technique.

binder929rr 05-05-2003 03:31 PM

actually my bum is off the seat when i do them. I give about 5" between me and the seat and i lean over the tank and grip the tank with my legs. When the rear starts coming up the seat kinda comes up and meets the bum, that's how you know you're really high. Basically i try to stay stationary and let hte bike move under me so i can tell if i'm too high.

PavementEater 05-05-2003 10:36 PM

yea you do have it off the seat is what I meant to say, any less weight is easier for the bike to come up

smb123 05-05-2003 11:53 PM

[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PavementEater [/i]
[B]Then when the rear of the bike bounces back up, he then hits the front brake, so the momentum gives it a little lift.[/B][/QUOTE]

Yes, this is the same principle of 'bouncing' a wheelie. It uses the rebound from the suspension to assist it in it's upward climb.

Also, R1on1:

Please don't tell people to "slam on the brakes." Imagine you're a newb and someone said this to you, and you go out and try it. You're going to be awfully upset when you lock the front up and watch your baby slam onto it's side while you surf the asphalt behind it.

With shit like this, it's imperative that you say what you mean and mean what you say.

Don't grab a fistful or slam them -- squeeze it smoothly and progressively, but with speed. No slam, just squeeze.

Anyway, rolling a stoppie is kind of like doing a wheelie. In a wheelie, you use throttle modulation (or rear brake modulation) to balance it. In a stoppie, it's brake modulation.

Next time you do one and it comes up high, and when you undoubtedly let go of the brake lever really quickly, try to grab it a little more as it comes down -- imagine that you're "slowing" the descent of the rear wheel. Again, to compare to wheelies -- imagine a wheelie comes up high, you dip the throttle closed, then open it a little as the front wheel comes down so it greases the landing instead of slamming down.

Once you get used to modulating the brake lever, you'll start getting used to rolling them.

Macca 05-06-2003 08:00 AM

Some nice advice here, I've been giving a few different methods a try and I'm new it all.

I found that a little bounce and kept my ass of the seat help it get up and like everthing else the brake control is just gonna be a matter of practice!

Good luck with it.:scrape


KxKING 05-06-2003 11:24 AM

Woooo Hoooo
I can do em now. I just have to work on the rolling part now

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