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bill parr 11-01-2004 03:15 PM

Please Vote!!!!
OK, i have never been a big one for voting, but guys this is important. i dont know if anyone else caught it on the news b4 they yanked the story but there is proof bush knew there was no weapons of mass destruction in irauq and that sadaam has not produced weapons of mass destruction since 1991! KERRY may be a douch bag but do you really want this shit to keep going for another 4 years only to have it get worse and then hopefully get someone that can fix it wich could and will probably already take decades to get out of the current national deficit bush has created. not to mention all the tax cuts for the wealthy wich coincidently are the same people that line both father and sons pockets during election campaigns? what about all the men and women that have lost there lives so bush jr. could finish what his dady didnt? whos gonna be there voice??? you can, you can be there voice and say enough is enough!!! vote, please vote. look at the nations current state as an abusive relationship if you will. if you partner was always arguing and fighting and it became a direct danger to you and your loved ones wouldnt you get out of that relationship??? this is your chance to help america get out of this abusive, lie filled relationship. vote, make a difference. have you seen the reports that bush was warned about september 11th and did nothing??? be the voice for all the people who lost there lives in new york on september 11th. DID YOU KNOW WE RECEIVED ANOTHER LETTER VIDEO FROM BIN LADEN WARNING OF ANOTHER ATTACK, AND STILL NOTHING!! tell bush to get fu(ked we arent taking anymore and VOTE KERRY!!!!!! :2cents

warfb52 11-01-2004 04:26 PM

Re: Please Vote!!!!
How can you say to vote for Kerry? He is the nation's biggest flip-flop around. Granted that Bush is not a perfect person, but at least I know where he stands. He is honest (as politicians go) and tell's Americans where he stands and stands firm in that position. He is not just "finishing what his daddy didn't," he is finishing what no other world leader has never had the courage to. Everybody knew that it had to be done, but no one would step up to the plate. I did not vote for Bush in 2000, but after 9/11 and all of the threats that have come against our great nation, there is no way that I would want John Kerry in the White House for the next four years. He is too indecisive and follows polls...not beliefs and truths. His track record in the Senate tells the stories...20 years and what has he done? Voted to raise taxes 98 times, voted to send troops to Iraq and then voted against a bill to fund them being over there! We need a strong, confident leader in the office.

As far as tax breaks for big business and wealthy, how else do you think that they can afford to create more jobs and pay more people? The tax breaks are a capitol boost that then is distributed down through the economic branches. A far more effective method of lowering our unemployment rate and keeping jobs in the US than handing out more unemployment checks! People still have to work to get the money, it's not going to just be handed out.

National deficit...that's what happens when you are at war. And, everybody was all gung-ho to go to war when we had just been bombed! A year later people seemed to forget about the Towers and the sight of seeing the rubble lying on the ground. How soon we forget!

Go out tomorrow, if you're not registered to vote then register at your polling place, and VOTE! If you agree with myself, or with Bill, or maybe you want to vote for Ralph Nader...just VOTE and express your opinion and beliefs. That's the beauty of this United States of America!!!

But...Bush is the best candidate for the job!! :YEAH :usa

Ninjadude 11-01-2004 05:10 PM

Re: Please Vote!!!!
How bout those tax breaks ol' George gave companies for sending U.S. jobs overseas?

bill parr 11-01-2004 05:49 PM

Re: Please Vote!!!!
[QUOTE=Ninjadude]How bout those tax breaks ol' George gave companies for sending U.S. jobs overseas?[/QUOTE]
RIIIIIIGHT...!!!! im not trying to start a flame thread here, politics is a touchy issue. just trying to get everyone to vote...and vote kerry if possible :YEAH :fiddy

Kev900RR 11-01-2004 06:20 PM

Re: Please Vote!!!!
[QUOTE=bill parr]OK, i have never been a big one for voting, but guys this is important. i dont know if anyone else caught it on the news b4 they yanked the story but there is proof bush knew there was no weapons of mass destruction in irauq and that sadaam has not produced weapons of mass destruction since 1991! KERRY may be a douch bag but do you really want this shit to keep going for another 4 years only to have it get worse and then hopefully get someone that can fix it wich could and will probably already take decades to get out of the current national deficit bush has created. not to mention all the tax cuts for the wealthy wich coincidently are the same people that line both father and sons pockets during election campaigns? what about all the men and women that have lost there lives so bush jr. could finish what his dady didnt? whos gonna be there voice??? you can, you can be there voice and say enough is enough!!! vote, please vote. look at the nations current state as an abusive relationship if you will. if you partner was always arguing and fighting and it became a direct danger to you and your loved ones wouldnt you get out of that relationship??? this is your chance to help america get out of this abusive, lie filled relationship. vote, make a difference. have you seen the reports that bush was warned about september 11th and did nothing??? be the voice for all the people who lost there lives in new york on september 11th. DID YOU KNOW WE RECEIVED ANOTHER LETTER VIDEO FROM BIN LADEN WARNING OF ANOTHER ATTACK, AND STILL NOTHING!! tell bush to get fu(ked we arent taking anymore and VOTE KERRY!!!!!! :2cents[/QUOTE]How bout another warm glass of shut the fuk up. It's uneducated hillbilly, in-bread, motherfukerz like you that are running this country in the shithole. You non-spelling, basic summummabitch. Do some research and see if there's a candidate that will send cardboard box makers back to school to learn how to spell and make sentences. :cheers :2cents

bill parr 11-01-2004 06:21 PM

Re: Please Vote!!!!
actually the only good thing i can say about bush is the assault weapon ban dropped so i now have my 17 shot magazines back for my 2 smith and wesson 40 cal. :YEAH :YEAH :YEAH :YEAH :killem

bill parr 11-01-2004 06:23 PM

Re: Please Vote!!!!
[QUOTE=Kev900RR]How bout another warm glass of shut the fuk up. It's uneducated hillbilly, in-bread, motherfukerz like you that are running this country in the shithole. You non-spelling, basic summummabitch. Do some research and see if there's a candidate that will send cardboard box makers back to school to learn how to spell and make sentences. :cheers :2cents[/QUOTE]
how bout you got one comin, come get it, you got to start shit again ok here it the **** you gonna talk shit about my teeth when your shit looks like someone went buck wild wit a bb gun and shot holes in yours?? and you talk a pretty big game for someone that gotr they ass whipped with there own bat bitch. oh i will see you cunt, and id rather be caught with it than with out it bitch so duck and cover... :twofinger

Kev900RR 11-01-2004 06:25 PM

Re: Please Vote!!!!
:ra-ra :ra-ra :ra-ra :ra-ra 346extramen for kerry :ra-ra :ra-ra :ra-ra :ra-ra :LUCKY13

Brian V 11-01-2004 06:29 PM

Re: Please Vote!!!!
Listen stupid, politics is something that in my opinion has no business being on this site. Go to [url]WWW.STUNTERSFORKERRY.COM[/url] if you want to rant about what people should do. Not trying to flame but, keep the shit off here and let this thread die. :cheers :nono

rieguy187 11-01-2004 06:50 PM

Re: Please Vote!!!!
here I got one for everyone, shit talkers, kerry supporters, and bush fans. [url][/url]


godslayer 11-01-2004 07:20 PM

Re: Please Vote!!!!
Sorry Bill, but this is a stupid post.... :shruggs

Everyone has their own opinion and view on politics but if a person will be so easily swayed by 1 paragraph of someones personal views, then they are the sheep in this country who SHOULD NOT VOTE. They are usually uninformed and will only serve to make a decision that is too difficult for themselves to comprehend. :2cents

bill parr 11-01-2004 09:00 PM

Re: Please Vote!!!!
[QUOTE=godslayer]Sorry Bill, but this is a stupid post.... :shruggs

Everyone has their own opinion and view on politics but if a person will be so easily swayed by 1 paragraph of someones personal views, then they are the sheep in this country who SHOULD NOT VOTE. They are usually uninformed and will only serve to make a decision that is too difficult for themselves to comprehend. :2cents[/QUOTE]
i agree with you completely, i hope no one is weak enough to be swayed by one paragraph. i dont know what the **** i was thinking posting it in here knowing full well some people cant post an opinion with out being a derogatory shit eating asshole(kevin). bottom line is we all have our own opinions and reasons for voting for who we vote for tomorrow. i thought people were adult enough to be able to offer up opinions and give there points of veiw. maybe get a little debate going or something to keep shit interesting thru the rain and cold. i forgot i was in kevins im a big whiny ****ing bitch wisconsin drama thread....the real deal is hopefully everyone will vote, no matter who its for. b/c if you dont vote than your opinion really doesnt matter and you have no right to bitch if shit goes bad. i posted it one other place with alot of good back and forth responses and opinions, wasnt any flaming yes it is a stunt site, yes it has 2 pages, but once again, guess wisconsin forum is the wrong place to bring up anything serious.

pfunkadelik 11-01-2004 09:05 PM

Re: Please Vote!!!!
[QUOTE=godslayer]Sorry Bill, but this is a stupid post.... :shruggs

Everyone has their own opinion and view on politics but if a person will be so easily swayed by 1 paragraph of someones personal views, then they are the sheep in this country who SHOULD NOT VOTE. They are usually uninformed and will only serve to make a decision that is too difficult for themselves to comprehend. :2cents[/QUOTE]


pfunkadelik 11-01-2004 09:09 PM

Re: Please Vote!!!!
1 Attachment(s)
..... almost forgot....

vervius 11-01-2004 09:18 PM

Re: Please Vote!!!!
No offense to either side, but it's the same f***ing arguments over and over. It's been the same ones for more than just the election time crap.
Bush is retarded, Kerry loves the cock.
But one lies to our face, and the other just doesn't tell the truth.
If you figure out which one, than you already know who to vote for too.

I'd punch someone in the face if they lied about something important to my face.


fiddyriderking 11-01-2004 09:35 PM

Re: Please Vote!!!!
srry to say [SIZE=3]VOTING DOESNT WORK[/SIZE] bush or kerry kerry or bush not much of a choice lets just pray that the lesser of the two evils pay more to win

Kev900RR 11-01-2004 10:15 PM

Re: Please Vote!!!!
[QUOTE=bill parr]i agree with you completely, i hope no one is weak enough to be swayed by one paragraph. i dont know what the **** i was thinking posting it in here knowing full well some people cant post an opinion with out being a derogatory shit eating asshole(kevin). bottom line is we all have our own opinions and reasons for voting for who we vote for tomorrow. i thought people were adult enough to be able to offer up opinions and give there points of veiw. maybe get a little debate going or something to keep shit interesting thru the rain and cold. i forgot i was in kevins im a big whiny ****ing bitch wisconsin drama thread....the real deal is hopefully everyone will vote, no matter who its for. b/c if you dont vote than your opinion really doesnt matter and you have no right to bitch if shit goes bad. i posted it one other place with alot of good back and forth responses and opinions, wasnt any flaming yes it is a stunt site, yes it has 2 pages, but once again, guess wisconsin forum is the wrong place to bring up anything serious.[/QUOTE]ahduh...ahduh...GO TRADE YOUR 600 IN ON AN EDUCATION!!!!!! :(

vervius 11-01-2004 10:30 PM

Re: Please Vote!!!!
[QUOTE=bill parr]... but once again, guess wisconsin forum is the wrong place to bring up anything serious.[/QUOTE]

agreed then. lol

iceberg 11-02-2004 07:26 AM

Re: Please Vote!!!!
politics may have no reason to be on this site but its not like you guys are posting up in stunting 101 or stunt pics threads . the wisconsin thread is for whatever is going on in wisconsin i thought ? b/c i have seen peolpe on here in the wisconsin thread selling stuff like cars , jet skis , parts, talking about partys etc etc and none of that has to do with stunting . thats not my point here ,everyone does have there own reasons why they want to vote for who ever ,what does matter is that you do get out there and vote b/c this time the election realy does matter and its so close that any vote on any side could make or brake the election so go vote just my :2cents .
kevin i got one for you ,i saw all the post on this thread and no one was talking shit to you ,this thread had nothing to do with you and bill so why did you start talking shit again .look man its you, read the post you started this shit again and for no reason your making your self look like the bad guy with all the shit talking in every ****ing thread ..........

bill parr 11-02-2004 07:51 AM

Re: Please Vote!!!!
[QUOTE=Kev900RR]ahduh...ahduh...GO TRADE YOUR 600 IN ON AN EDUCATION!!!!!! :([/QUOTE]
ill tell ya what bitch boy, how bout you bring your sorry ass over anytime you want. none of your boys, none of mine, just you and i , when i get done ill even drive your pussy ass to the hospital so they can fix your face....i might even slow down a little before i toss you out....theres your invitation, how big of a man are you? can you back up your shit when your by yourself or off the computer?? lets see...i think your full of shit and when i come at you your gonna cry like a little girl....

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