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Saturnin 03-27-2009 08:18 PM

Re: I hate Kane
this thread needs more buff dudes wif fruity drinks... there isnt enough testosterone here..lulz

Incantation 03-27-2009 08:24 PM

Re: I hate Kane
i had to double check my url bar i thought i entered

JesseJacobs 03-27-2009 08:26 PM

Re: I hate Kane
[QUOTE=Saturnin;3863963]this thread needs more buff dudes wif fruity drinks... there isnt enough testosterone here..lulz

Seriously bro? I'm the furthest thing from a homophobe (I was a bartender at a gay club for 2 years) But you are just outta control with this shit?!

Don't you have better things to do in life than look up gay photos?


I <3 wheelies 03-27-2009 08:31 PM

Re: I hate Kane
[QUOTE=JesseJacobs;3863972]Seriously bro? I'm the furthest thing from a homophobe (I was a bartender at a gay club for 2 years) But you are just outta control with this shit?!

Don't you have better things to do in life than look up gay photos?


god jesse your suck a dick.:LOL:LOL..give the guy the a lil credit...he didnt look them up just for this tread....he already had them saved......not like he did any extra work...:LOL:LOL:LOL

JesseJacobs 03-27-2009 08:35 PM

Re: I hate Kane
[QUOTE=I <3 wheelies;3863977]god jesse your suck a dick.:LOL:LOL..give the guy the a lil credit...he didnt look them up just for this tread....he already had them saved......not like he did any extra work...:LOL:LOL:LOL[/QUOTE]


I'm not really that big of a dick... Just can't stand stupid ass people and there are ALOT of them on here.... Ha Ha

But seriously, If I ever meet anyone that I talk shit to on here, I'll shake your hand and be cool with you.. Its just entertainment to me.. I'm really a kick back dude in person...


P.S. This made my post count 311!!!! Thats my favorite number!!!!

YogiR6 03-27-2009 08:35 PM

Re: I hate Kane
I would love to have passionate butt sex with Kane

no homo...

JesseJacobs 03-27-2009 08:37 PM

Re: I hate Kane
[QUOTE=YogiR6;3863982]I would love to have passionate butt sex with Kane

no homo...[/QUOTE]

LoL Wouldn't everyone?!?!?!?


Suicidl 03-27-2009 08:43 PM

Re: I hate Kane
[QUOTE=JUST_PRODUCING;3862840]Its definitely all gravy my friend, and just to put 1 example out there of how I probably went further to hook up the riders in the movie then anyone ever has before:


I spent money to rent out a big place to have the premiere party, each rider recieved 2 VIP TICKETS to the premiere for them and a guest. Each rider in the movie drank all night for free in the VIP section with alcohol that i personally spent about $1000 on. Each rider in the film that was invited VIP was given a gift basket with 4 copies of the DVD, 1 Stuntshine State Tshirt (cost me $900 to make 50 shirts) and 2 custom StuntShine State shot glasses (costs $400 to make 50)



it was a bad ass premiere party. i still have my shirt and shotglasses. We need to rent something like that out again and just play stunt DVD's and get drunk again :yeah:hello

Suicidl 03-27-2009 08:52 PM

Re: I hate Kane
[QUOTE=TEACH C6;3863734]here's my late entry for my two pence...

kane's my boy, kane's pushed the sport beyond what it could have gone (in the same time frame) with just competitions. Kane can ride and ride well, I would put him up against pretty much anyone. Kane deserves and has certainly earned imo, all the respect that i give him. he doesn't even need to compete to do what he does and that's a fact, yet he does still support, does still show up, does still compete...and at a relatively high level, so let's put that argument to rest because it's beat and it's old and it evokes bitterness from the person making it.

i know kane personally and professionally, and while i dont always agree with him, his position, or his actions, i will always respect him and will always consider him a friend, and someone who would go that extra mile for me.

now, i also am friends with nick and ernie, and pretty much everyone for that matter, and i understand where they are coming from and their desire to push....i have that same desire and drive (as does kane, i assure you). i dare say i am probably one of the very few people to 'make it' simply based upon my abilities on a motorcycle, period. i did everything i did while maintaining a full time job and full time 'other' life...however, that is not what today's game is. today you must be a very good rider and a very good business man...most riders are one or the other, the ones who combine both are very recognizeable for the most part.

the level of riding HAS stepped up, in the sense that MANY MORE riders can routinely do things once considered outta hand just two years ago. however, what still has failed to develop as quickly as the technical skill is the style and individuality of the riders - everyone is simply tryhing to be someone else and just 'lock down' this trick or that trick. many riders do things i cannot do or simply do not want to do, yet i can guarantee you i am still a better rider and will still probably beat them in a contest...not because i'm a 'name' but because its not ALL about the trick, EVEN in competition, it's about the style, the flow, AND the difficulty...most riders have the ONE thing that you can acquire simply by man hours, and that is difficulty. sure, style comes with time (sometimes) and flow does as well, but funny how most still don't have it, yet a lot of guys have the most difficult tricks. my point is similar to kanes: he most definitely has the ability to learn those fig 8 hc o's, the ability is simply a matter of time, the question, however is the important part...and the question is 'is it worth it for me?'...sometimes the question is 'no, not right now'.

to apply this directly to myself: i don't do a lot of tricks, but do any of you really doubt that i could lock fig 8 hc o's if i really decided to? i'm 100% confident i could do it IF i wanted to (that is still TBD). shizzit, 95% of the hard tricks done today i was doing a handful of years ago (minus the jump stuff). HC o's? back in 04 on the 636. so, my point is that the difficulty of this stuff is attainable with practice. can kane do it? ya. will he? if he feels he needs it. i don't feel i need fig 8 HC o's to win contets, bc i feel the other aspects of my riding are superior to what others do, but that's just MY opinion...and speaking of opinion, thats WHAT judging is whether its 2004 or 2010.

now, all that being said, i'm kind of lost at this point myself, so i think both sides are valid, i just think kane needs to be shown more respect as a rider...and both 'his agent' and myself push him to continue to develop the latest and greatest tricks, just like every other stunna out there.

one final thought and something that is often overlooked...everybody wants to be in his (and i'm sure mine's) position, but i am quite sure that most don't know entirely what that takes, or even would be capable of handling it. there is much, much, much more to riding bikes professionally than actually riding the bikes, but consider this: how many riders in stuntwars or xdl are on current model bikes? very few, most are on 636's and f4i's. it took my buddy colton about a year to switch from kawis to updated hondas and he is on his game...every consider what its like to actually have to switch bikes to a current model every single year? put every single rider on a 2007 model year and up, and i think you'll see some funny things.

now, the final wrap up...none ofd this was directed at anybody, so if you think it was, you are wrong...i'm down with makingmoney, riding bikes, pushing limits, travelling, making friends, etc and i do it ALL!


Best post ever by the Teacher :cheers:hello

YogiR6 03-27-2009 09:06 PM

Re: I hate Kane
[quote=JesseJacobs;3863985]LoL Wouldn't everyone?!?!?!?


Fuckin A Capin!

Saturnin 03-27-2009 09:22 PM

Re: I hate Kane
if u worked @ gay club..u hatin on some photos with dudes..come on.. u must have been making some REAL MONEY @ that club.....why else would u subject yourself to the gayzors..

how the fuck am i out of control???

this is out of control.. AMericas holla boys

JesseJacobs 03-27-2009 09:25 PM

Re: I hate Kane
I made bank there!!! Especially on thursdays... (Bar-tended in my boxers) LoL I made around 800.00 average night, 1500.00 on thursdays.....

Bum lit a fire behind the building and burnt the whole place down.... Been joking about it for a while.. How ironic is it that a gay club went down in FLAMES.... LoL


And P.S. Im not hating on the actual pictures, I just think it's weird that you keep searching for gay photos for a thread.... 1 was weird, but 2?? That just makes people wonder bro...

Saturnin 03-27-2009 09:27 PM

Re: I hate Kane
no it doesnt.. no one gives a shit except hahahahaha

and i'm only doing it cuz i get a reaction ouf ot you....hahaah ppl knew not to take the bait.. u did...hahaahahah.... sorry homie....

JesseJacobs 03-27-2009 09:33 PM

Re: I hate Kane
So you knew that some dude named JesseJacobs would end up responding to a random post on SL if you threw up some gay photos? Damn bro.. Why aren't you rich from winning the lottery??

We have a psychic stunter!!!!!


P.S. I believe I <3 Wheelies is with me?

Juca 03-27-2009 09:34 PM

Re: I hate Kane

We have a psychic stunter!!!!!


skinnyR! 03-27-2009 09:41 PM

Re: I hate Kane
[QUOTE=I <3 wheelies;3863929]you make a good point..but heres mine and alot of peps from stuntlife feel the same i think.....

your teach...of course kanes gonna be cool to you..your an icon in this sport...he comes on here talkin like the only reason he cant outride jorian is cuz he doesnt really feel like it....please...just cuz you could learn hc O's quick doesnt mean he can...the differane between you and SAID IT YOURSELF natural bike talent.........kinda like dont need to sell yourself you riding does that for itself....kane however is nowwhere near that level and bashed the guys who are, quoteing his salary like a bigger tax return makes you a better stunter......
its like wwf and ufc...yes im sure the stars from wwi put in alot of promote there sport, but you hear those guys comming on tv saying if they wanted to they would train a lil more and kick jsp ass they just dont cuz theres more money s wwf.......please...and thats basically what his pink ass is tring to say

gotta earn respect to get it:2cents[/QUOTE]

Did you even read teaches post? Teach is just as much as an icon as Kane, and vise versa. Teach was sticking up for Kane saying that the man has talent. Again, did you read Teaches post? Teach said he Kane is as good or better than anyone else.

[QUOTE=Saturnin;3863963]this thread needs more buff dudes wif fruity drinks... there isnt enough testosterone here..lulz

Canadian are weird.

[QUOTE=Saturnin;3864035]no it doesnt.. no one gives a shit except hahahahaha

and i'm only doing it cuz i get a reaction ouf ot you....hahaah ppl knew not to take the bait.. u did...hahaahahah.... sorry homie....[/QUOTE]


I am gonna go out a limb here and say that this whole thread is a bunch o BS. The thread went dead and now it is alive with a bunch of nut swingers again.

Does anyone remember how Darius and Kane would get into it on here, back in the day???? Now we have Kane and Apex doin the same. DRAMA, but they are actually good friends. But a good read no doubt.

But for the rest of you, christ, stop whining about hc figure eight circles. Who cares? The general public does not give two shits about that, and that is why Kane doesn't learn them. I don't blame him. He seems to have enough other tricks in his bag.


Saturnin 03-27-2009 09:43 PM

Re: I hate Kane
i had no idea it would be u..but there is always that one asshole who's u know...

"oh gross, u are a fag" yada yada yada....
anyway... this thread is so mulitlayerd, a bit of somthing for everyone.....

[QUOTE=JesseJacobs;3864047]So you knew that some dude named JesseJacobs would end up responding to a random post on SL if you threw up some gay photos? Damn bro.. Why aren't you rich from winning the lottery??

We have a psychic stunter!!!!!


P.S. I believe I <3 Wheelies is with me?[/QUOTE]

Canadians are not wierd... lot of us dont have closed off minds......

JesseJacobs 03-27-2009 09:44 PM

Re: I hate Kane
^^^ LOL I knew I wasn't the only that thought you were weird!!!!


Saturnin 03-27-2009 09:50 PM

Re: I hate Kane
no..u thougth i was a homo... being wierd and being a homo..slightly different...ha

u shoul dknow 2 years of wearing tiny shorts selling booze to gays..haha... now ure a trooper man... must have been very HARD to u know... not be tempted by

skinnyR! 03-27-2009 09:55 PM

Re: I hate Kane
[QUOTE=Saturnin;3864063]i had no idea it would be u..but there is always that one asshole who's u know...

"oh gross, u are a fag" yada yada yada....
anyway... this thread is so mulitlayerd, a bit of somthing for everyone.....

Canadians are not wierd... lot of us dont have closed off minds......[/QUOTE]

Of all the off topic, random pictures you could have posted to change up the thread a bit, you chose to post pictures of dudes makin out. Not one picture, but three.

No question. Thats weird.

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