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MADROCS 03-20-2005 04:49 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
4 Attachment(s)
Star-glad the pug is doing ok! I'd feel the same way as you do :(

heres a few storys for the "aggressive" dogs team.

I have to rotts that Ilove more than life its self, they are my kids.

-Our neighbors(older) had this little white fluffy hyper thing that everytime we would be out in our yard, this dog would come flying over, run around them, and start to freak them out. They would just stop and sit there, even while this little thing would jump up and paw them in the face. I think I was closer to punting the dog back into its own yard than they were to attacking it.

-this drunk ass at the end of my yard has a little dauschenhound the he always lets come into my yard to sh1t. Again if he is out with it, that dog does the same as the white one, runs over, jumps on them ect. My female(whhile sitting) one day swung her paw at it when it was jumping in her face, sent tthe little thing for like 3 rolls. That was the last time it ran up to their faces.(I got him back for his dogs sh1t by surround the poutside of his truck with a weeks worth of my dogs sh!t:lol)

-on a leashed walk one day a little pug, unleashed ran out of its yard, started jumping up and trying to bite my dogs faces! The owners of that dog started yelling at me to get my dogs away! If it would have bite either one of them, I'd have left a little slack in the leash so they could have biten its face off, then I would have knocked the dogs owners out! Again, my dogs listen, stayed, and didn't get defensive!

-last one. Furthure on our walking route there is 2 collies. While the gf and I were walking my dogs, the collies came running out into the road, snapping at them, barking and following up as we kept walking. We had to pass the place on the way home(no choice) and the one came back out snapping. I had the male, he barked and snapped back and the dog took a few steps back. As the gf and female tried to walk behindus, away from the collie, it charged them and tried to bite the female. My male almost took my arm off and if he'd of had another inch. he would have had that dog by face(he was only protect my gf and my other dog) The collie almost fell over trying to get away. Heres the best part-the collies owner was standing in his garage watching and did nothing! Except mumble something about my dog! I yelled back "If you have a fcking problem come here!" He put his dog in the garage and closed the door!

so rotts and pits are not BAD DOGS. Any other dog can be bad, and most of the time its more so the owners fault that the dogs!

here's my kids

star skrape 03-20-2005 04:57 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=MADROCS]Star-glad the pug is doing ok! I'd feel the same way as you do :(

heres a few storys for the "aggressive" dogs team.

I have to rotts that Ilove more than life its self, they are my kids.

-Our neighbors(older) had this little white fluffy hyper thing that everytime we would be out in our yard, this dog would come flying over, run around them, and start to freak them out. They would just stop and sit there, even while this little thing would jump up and paw them in the face. I think I was closer to punting the dog back into its own yard than they were to attacking it.

-this drunk ass at the end of my yard has a little dauschenhound the he always lets come into my yard to sh1t. Again if he is out with it, that dog does the same as the white one, runs over, jumps on them ect. My female(whhile sitting) one day swung her paw at it when it was jumping in her face, sent tthe little thing for like 3 rolls. That was the last time it ran up to their faces.(I got him back for his dogs sh1t by surround the poutside of his truck with a weeks worth of my dogs sh!t:lol)

-on a leashed walk one day a little pug, unleashed ran out of its yard, started jumping up and trying to bite my dogs faces! The owners of that dog started yelling at me to get my dogs away! If it would have bite either one of them, I'd have left a little slack in the leash so they could have biten its face off, then I would have knocked the dogs owners out! Again, my dogs listen, stayed, and didn't get defensive!

-last one. Furthure on our walking route there is 2 collies. While the gf and I were walking my dogs, the collies came running out into the road, snapping at them, barking and following up as we kept walking. We had to pass the place on the way home(no choice) and the one came back out snapping. I had the male, he barked and snapped back and the dog took a few steps back. As the gf and female tried to walk behindus, away from the collie, it charged them and tried to bite the female. My male almost took my arm off and if he'd of had another inch. he would have had that dog by face(he was only protect my gf and my other dog) The collie almost fell over trying to get away. Heres the best part-the collies owner was standing in his garage watching and did nothing! Except mumble something about my dog! I yelled back "If you have a fcking problem come here!" He put his dog in the garage and closed the door!

so rotts and pits are not BAD DOGS. Any other dog can be bad, and most of the time its more so the owners fault that the dogs!

here's my kids[/QUOTE]

Damn, that male is a moose! I love his broad ass head. Yeah, its bullshit, there are a lot of stupid people out there. I do feel better about the whole thing now that the pug is okay, but I definatly hear what your saying ,. thanks :YEAH

Damon 03-21-2005 02:46 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
dang bro, hate to hear this. you will never take that agression out of the dog, even if you spoil it and treat it like a king. by treating it with the best care possible, you take away the majority of the potential for that pit to strike a human being, but the instinct towards another dog can not be erased IMHO. I had the most awesome pit who loved people, kids, and would even play with SOME dogs, but you best never leave him unattended with another dog, cuz chit's gonna hit the fan before the days over with, and plus pits play rougher than MOST dogs can handle.

I love the dog and its stature, attitude, and loyalty, but if anyone is gonna own one, they better treat it right and never be in denial that you are raising a cold blooded killer. The sweetness and the loyalty to the owner catches many people slippin' cuz they think their dog would never flip out on another dog or person, but reality is, if you own a pit, it's not will it flip out, but when.

and whoever was talking about the dog at the fence, when they get tired of the fence being in the way, they easily run right through it. i have seen it happen too many times to count.

BLONDE BOMBER 03-21-2005 03:01 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
Sorry to hear about that... I hope the pug is alright! Nice pics of your doggies - very good looking pits!!! :YEAH

Everyone is saying how aggressive pits are but I seem to think different... well about my pit anyway! Shes about 15 months old and recently she got into a really bad fight with another dog - the dog was a german shepard/st. bernard.... well my pit got fuked up pretty bad- I really couldnt believe what I seen - luckly i got outside fast enough and broke them up b4 anything serious happened..... I was bugging out though cause my hands were covered with blood cause I was holding her trying to calm her down and I felt so bad for my poor baby but I cleaned her up and the bites weren't as bad as I thought.... the bleeding stopped so she was alright! Craziest shit I have even seen .... definitely do not want to see it again!!

My pit is always around small dogs cause my mom has 4 little things :laughing and she is great with them. Im hoping she will stay that way .... I guess you never really know when a pit can snap but thats with any type of dog. Heres a pic of my baby

Damon 03-21-2005 03:07 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
1 Attachment(s)
[QUOTE=BLONDE BOMBER]Sorry to hear about that... I hope the pug is alright! Nice pics of your doggies - very good looking pits!!! :YEAH

Everyone is saying how aggressive pits are but I seem to think different... well about my pit anyway! Shes about 15 months old and recently she got into a really bad fight with another dog - the dog was a german shepard/st. bernard.... well my pit got fuked up pretty bad- I really couldnt believe what I seen - luckly i got outside fast enough and broke them up b4 anything serious happened..... I was bugging out though cause my hands were covered with blood cause I was holding her trying to calm her down and I felt so bad for my poor baby but I cleaned her up and the bites weren't as bad as I thought.... the bleeding stopped so she was alright! Craziest shit I have even seen .... definitely do not want to see it again!!

My pit is always around small dogs cause my mom has 4 little things :laughing and she is great with them. Im hoping she will stay that way .... I guess you never really know when a pit can snap but thats with any type of dog. Heres a pic of my baby[/QUOTE]

You have a pretty dog. glad you were able to save her. This was my dog.

star skrape 03-21-2005 03:12 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=Salad_Finger]I think all pits should be destroyed and their owners put in jail IMO. They're like playing russian roulette . You never know when those crazy ass dogs will pop. Keep in mind this is just my opinion . :badcop[/QUOTE]

I unnderstand that that is your opinion, but i think your opinion is ignorant. IMO i think people like yourself, with no understanding of the situation, nor experience, should stop breeding and kill yourself.

TravelerYo911 03-21-2005 03:16 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=star skrape]I unnderstand that that is your opinion, but i think your opinion is ignorant. IMO i think people like yourself, with no understanding of the situation, nor experience, should stop breeding and kill yourself.[/QUOTE]
I agree skrape, before he contaminates the rest of the gene pool. :laughing

sclevela 03-21-2005 04:06 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=Salad_Finger]I think all pits should be destroyed and their owners put in jail IMO. They're like playing russian roulette . You never know when those crazy ass dogs will pop. Keep in mind this is just my opinion . :badcop[/QUOTE]

thats quite possibly the dumbest statement that has ever been allowed to be released from yer brain! (notice i said "possibly"........ i dont know u well enough to say definatly)........ see heres the rub........we all think stipid things.......... but most of us are smart enough not to let the general population hear about them......... u my dumb lil inbred friend let the world read yer stupidity............ yer parents are devising a plan to kill themselves, due to the embarrasment u have caused, as we speak..........

BLONDE BOMBER 03-21-2005 04:13 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
You have a pretty dog. glad you were able to save her. This was my dog.[/QUOTE]

awww what a pretty dog!! you dont have your dog anymore?

[QUOTE=star skrape]
I unnderstand that that is your opinion, but i think your opinion is ignorant. IMO i think people like yourself, with no understanding of the situation, nor experience, should stop breeding and kill yourself.[/QUOTE]

I agree skrape, before he contaminates the rest of the gene pool. :laughing [/QUOTE]

[QUOTE=sclevela]thats quite possibly the dumbest statement that has ever been allowed to be released from yer brain! (notice i said "possibly"........ i dont know u well enough to say definatly)........ see heres the rub........we all think stipid things.......... but most of us are smart enough not to let the general population hear about them......... u my dumb lil inbred friend let the world read yer stupidity............ yer parents are devising a plan to kill themselves, due to the embarrasment u have caused, as we speak..........[/QUOTE]

:LOL awesome posts :YEAH i totally agree :cheers

TravelerYo911 03-22-2005 08:15 AM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
Salad finger, it's better to have people assume your stupid than to open your mouth and prove them right. :monkey Salad Finger

BLONDE BOMBER 03-22-2005 12:35 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=Salad_Finger]What is there to understand ?? You house a breed of dog that is one of the most untrusted unpredictable undomesticated monsters in k-9 history. Quit living in denial and check your senses. Heres a suggestion . Tie your pit to the back of your fiddy and drag her down the street at about 40 mph. Then shoot the damm thing and pop one in yourself while you are at it ! :fiddy[/QUOTE]
:nono :mad: :nono
the world needs to stop breeding people like you :banghead ... why dont you have someone drag you from the back of their bike and shoot you :shruggs :twofinger

maniacr1 03-22-2005 12:43 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
yo salad finger maybe we should tie you behind a bike and drag your fukin ass down the street you ingorant mother****er :mad:

star skrape 03-22-2005 03:55 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=Salad_Finger]What is there to understand ?? You house a breed of dog that is one of the most untrusted unpredictable undomesticated monsters in k-9 history. Quit living in denial and check your senses. Heres a suggestion . Tie your pit to the back of your fiddy and drag her down the street at about 40 mph. Then shoot the damm thing and pop one in yourself while you are at it ! :fiddy[/QUOTE]

We shouldnt pay no mind to this mindless fucck. He rides with the "salad Klan." ANy ignrant ass motherfuccker who still spells Clan with a K, should reveal what a pretentious jerk off this guy is. Quit posting before you wind up with an upside-down burning cross in your yard. :laughing :laughing Eat shit and die asshole :twofinger :twofinger

sclevela 03-22-2005 04:44 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
is it the toss some mansalad klan?

3824 03-22-2005 04:47 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=Salad_Finger]What is there to understand ?? You house a breed of dog that is one of the most untrusted unpredictable undomesticated monsters in k-9 history. Quit living in denial and check your senses. Heres a suggestion . Tie your pit to the back of your fiddy and drag her down the street at about 40 mph. Then shoot the damm thing and pop one in yourself while you are at it ! :fiddy[/QUOTE]

Waiting for sclevela to tell you just how bad you suck at life....but I'm sure you realized that when you named yourself salad_finger ... so what does it feel like to sit at home all day with your finger up your mom's ass?

star skrape 03-22-2005 07:26 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=Salad_Finger]Those are pretty harsh words coming from a man who ass****s his pitbull. You are a .22 caliber person living in a .357 magnum world. Why dont you and your gay ass dog go off and **** yourselves.[/QUOTE]

Damn , you must be in the Klan, all those gun references :laughing Thats a shame that that was the best lines you could come up with. Next time your in michigan, we'll check your knowldge in guns. WEll see how many bullets you can catch pusssy. :shootem salad_fuccker

stickler69420 03-22-2005 07:49 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
damn salad finger is dumb as **** :twofinger

Peyton 03-22-2005 07:50 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
here's mine......and go check this out...[URL=]"now read this"[/URL]



[URL=]"now read this"[/URL]

sclevela 03-22-2005 09:08 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
[QUOTE=Salad_Finger]What is there to understand ?? You house a breed of dog that is one of the most untrusted unpredictable undomesticated monsters in k-9 history. Quit living in denial and check your senses. Heres a suggestion . Tie your pit to the back of your fiddy and drag her down the street at about 40 mph. Then shoot the damm thing and pop one in yourself while you are at it ! :fiddy [/QUOTE]

ok here is the rub........ i own a pit bull......... hes about the most pathetic example of a poodle u could find never mind what u mind numbing fuks consider "a real pitbull".......... u dont know what the fuk yer talking about and its close minded fuks like u that not only turn dogs like mine into useless pieces of shit like yerself.......... but also seem to populate all of apalachia...... so do yerself a favor..... stop comin down out of the mountains for internet acess yer cyclops of a cousin is lonely............. he misses u and yer cute lil mining cap and the way u finger his salad!

Peyton 03-22-2005 09:11 PM

Re: fuccking pitbulls
Well said Scott

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